The Three Little Men in the Wood

"A woman offered marriage to a widower with a daughter, saying that her own daughter would drink water and wash in water, while the man's daughter would drink wine and wash in milk. The man gave his daughter a boot with a hole in it, and told her to take it to the barn and fill it with water; if it held the water, he would remarry, and if not, he would not. The water pulled the hole together, and the boot held it, so he remarried"

yep, copied that from Wikipedia
so.. not a very long time ago my lecturer gave me an assignment and it's included power point and presentation in front of the class to retell the story that he gave us. i come up with 'The Three Little Men in the Wood' a German fairytale by Brother Grimm. which, i think, pretty grimm. so i decided to add a little illustration i drew by myself with Paint Tool Sai and it turns out pretty good, hopefully.
So here is the link to download the Power Point 

Download link:.

and here's some sneak peeks of illustration that i've made.


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