Digital Painting Tutorial

I've been desperate to post something- anything on this blog just to make an update and still exist in 2017. and i decide to write down my very first digital painting tutorial, well, it means i'm going to make another one soon enough. I use Paint Tool Sai most of the time, it's because Sai has all the features i need for drawing except if i want to add some speak bubble, it doesn't has the proper font setup. i've been drawing comic strips lately and more fanarts (Troye Sivan and Carry On stuffs mostly).
In this tutorial i use Paint Tool Sai but unfortunately i forgot to screenshoot the details, forgive me. 
Plus, i use my Bamboo pen tablet with stylus for better result.

1. Base
Use pencil tool with light color and low opacity in the first layer. that's fine to go a lil bit messy in this step as long as you picture the approximate shape you want to draw. 

2. Hard lines
Move to the second layer. with marker tool, use dark color and high opacity to make the outlines become more visible. this step would take a long time and great patience.

3. Coloring!
This might be the most tricky part. i use marker tool, i don't use blending for the base color, but when it comes to give some shadow and dept, increase the blending level into everage level. don't forget to create a different layer for this step.

4. Add Shadow
For adding more dept into your drawing, add up some darker color from the same pallete. for example, if you use soft pink as the base color, then use darker pink.

Keep Experimenting!
I use air brush tool and create a new layer to make the sunlight effect. you might even add background too. keep experimenting until you satisfied with the result.

Tadaaaa, you're done! (hopefully) i'm sorry if this post doesn't contain every detail but i'll try my berst for the next tutorial.
Thank You!


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