Book Review: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secret of the Universe

Title: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secret of the Universe
Author: Benjamin Alire Saenz
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Language: English
Genres: Young-adult, Romance, Fiction
359 pages

  "I bet you could sometimes find all the secret of the universe in someone's hand"

  Have you ever read a book and scream out loud because the emotions is too much or put the book down for a while just because you can't read through your tears?
This book will definitely makes you.
Aristotle and and Dante is a total perfection.  I know i've been reading too much m/m fiction lately, well forgive me i can't help it.  :')
     From the title you might assume this book is about historical story beetween the two philosophers, but no it's not, I'm telling you. this is a young-adult novel about two sixteen years old boys named Dante and Ari. Aristotle Mendoza, a confused Mexican teenager is the one who's telling the story from his point of view. Ari is kind of melancholy boy, he's angry and sad all the time because of the burden of his brother who is in prison and because he can't always answer some questions like why his father never speak a word to him about the war he went through in Vietnam. Ari considers himself unknowable and lil bit antisocial, he never had a real friend. Not until he met Dante Quintana one summer.       Dante is like the opposite of Ari because he's always happy and affectionate most of the time. From Ari POV, Dante is good looking and perfect in every way, he's like a walking sun who will burn everything around him. Dante talks alot and Ari is a good listener, in no time the became best friend, together they discover the secret of the universe (literally). This story is more than about friendship, but also about parenthood, young to adult transition, and queer relationships back in 90's.
     The story is beautifully written, every chapter has it's own surprise and the way Benjamin Alire Saenz deliver every point and thought is wonderful and easy to read. I fall in love with most of the character in this book because they're beautifully described, like they're a real living person who has feelings and anxiety of their own.
      Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secret of the Universe had been in the top of my reading list since i finished The Song of Achilles, but never found the actual book (or because the price is too damn high) i must be satisfied enough with the e-book version.
     Despite of that, i'm totally in love with this book, every chapters and words. I can't put it down.


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